June 17, 2025
Equips the saints through a wide array of Reformed publications, including psalm-singing resources, and through a denominational magazine, the Reformed Presbyterian Witness, and several web sites and apps. (more)
Graduate Study Committee
Prioritizes and funds requests for financial aid to support the graduate theological study of selected members of the denomination. (more)
RP Global Alliance
The Reformed Presbyterian Global Alliance (RPGA) is a consultative community of Reformed Presbyterian Churches worldwide. Formed in June 2015 by the RP Churches of Australia (RPCA), Ireland (RPCI), North America (RPCNA), and Scotland (RPCS), it also represents the RP Churches in Canada and Japan which are currently part of the RPCNA. The RP Global Alliance has a confessional foundation and provides a forum for co-operation between the member RP churches in mutually agreed areas. (more)
The Board of Pension Trustees
Responsible for the development and supervision of the pension programs of the denomination. (more)
The Interchurch Committee
Initiates and develops relations with other denominations that have the same basic doctrinal positions, based upon the Reformed faith and the inerrancy of Scripture, with a view towards greater understanding and cooperation. Operates under the oversight of Synod. (more)
Theological Students Under Care
A list of current RPCNA students, including their eligibility to preach and receive a call. (more)
Youth Ministries Committee
Encourages and supports the work of youth ministry throughout the RPCNA by providing opportunity for growth and development of youth ministry skills and by developing the theology and leadership of our youth. (more)
Geneva College
A comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences, and professional studies. Teaching from a Reformed perspective, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society. (more)
Kobe Theological Hall
Equipping Japanese ministerial candidates as well as church officers/workers by training them in solid biblical and Reformed Presbyterian theology. (more)
Reformed Presbyterian Home
A non-profit, charitable institution providing nursing care and residential living to elderly persons. (more)
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Educates students who love the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, equips pastors for the ministry of the gospel, and prepares others in the church for effective service in His kingdom, all within the framework of the historic Reformed faith. (more)
RP Trustees and RPM&M
RPM&M is the Synod-appointed channel to fund the missions and ministries of the RPCNA. (more)
RP Global Missions
Helps motivate and lead the denomination to fulfill the Great Commission by planting strong churches outside of the bounds of presbyteries in North America and by ministering to nationals wherever they may be. (more)
RP Home Missions
Seeks to advance the kingdom of Christ by facilitating the establishment of new Reformed Presbyterian congregations in North America. Provides counsel, encouragement, resources, and training to presbyteries, and helps local congregations in evangelism and church planting. (more)
Covfamikoi Family Conference
Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery’s annual family conference in Columbia, KY. (more)
Iowa RP Family Camp
Midwest Presbytery’s annual family camp at Crooked Creek Christian Camp in Washington, IA. (more)
Laurelville Family Camp
Presbytery of the Alleghenies’ annual family camp at Laurelville Church Center in Mt. Pleasant, PA. (more)
Midwest Presbytery Family Camp
Midwest Presbytery’s annual family camp at Golden Bell Camp and Conference Center near beautiful Divide, Colorado (formerly at Horn Creek Camp). (more)
Pacific Coast Summer Conference
Pacific Coast Presbytery's summer conference in Bellingham, WA. (more)
White Lake Covenanter Camp
Atlantic and St. Lawrence Presbyteries' summer family & kids camp in White Lake, NY. (more)