Agencies / Institutions

RP Trustees and RPM&M

    RPM&M is the Synod-appointed channel to fund the missions and ministries of the RPCNA.


    Each year the missions and ministries of the RPCNA make budgets based on funds they have with the expectation that they will also receive support from RPM&M. While RPM&M represents only a portion of the total budgets of most of these missions and ministries, that portion is vitally important to each of them. RPM&M is funded directly by the generosity of RP congregations and the members of the RPCNA.

    Gifts to RPM&M help support the Board of Education and Publication, Geneva College, the Home Mission Board, RP Global Missions, the Reformed Presbyterian Home, the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, the Committee for Vital Churches, the EA Commission, and the Central and South Americas Committee.

    Contributions to RPM&M can be sent to:

    Reformed Presbyterian Church
    7408 Penn Ave.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15208

    Please write RPM&M in the memo line.

    Resources for Church Treasurers

    The job of church treasurer involves more steps, deadlines and responsibilities than it did a number of years ago! The Trustees of Synod, along with input from others, have compiled a document entitled ​Church Treasurer Guidelines, ​to help you more easily navigate this task. These guidelines include best practices for weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly duties, along with tax information and several exhibits.

    Church Treasurer Guidelines


    RPCNA Official Synod Documents and Forms

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